amazed by this life!! music, coaching, creativity, lateral thinking, transformation; my passion and joy

Friday, March 23, 2007

What is the focus of my life?

Life shifts and changes.many faces across time.All show themselves in this instant.

The light bright light this is seen by the eye.

Open heart surgery, life school, transformation.

bowing in humility, softening . . I stand tall fulsome and present

It has been the pain and struggle, still the tendency comes. Now is the time to release this pattern. It may be rough as you negotiate the new ways., I will be with you, in all the many faces; love will always be with you.

focus happens as you pay attention to what arises. All is constantly shifting and changing. NOTHING fixed in any moment LIFE is available, in transformation

Joy, beauty power .. . in ALL there is, including the pan and suffering . . . see thru to the *life* that is always and ever present

Delay not awaken and know that you are already awake in this tumultuous joyous life. breathe forth in this instant the life and essence of who you are filing the room. that which is eternal .. . love . .. and that which is of the ego personalities and struggles.

Bow down, bow down before life, before no one and everyone, nothing and everything: this is the resonance co-resonance of life as you live your heart in and thru this day walk in this knowledge walk with me in life. I am in all things all things are in me .. . this is the great presence of life throughout all existence and across and thru time and space life exists.

Drop the pain and suffering, drop the attachment to how things should be and live life. enter into living . And know that already you are living.

THIS is the focus of your life. . . . your life as it is, as it unfolds. using love to blast thru, to melt thru to soften thru .. . whatever is needed in whatever way . . . your life is unfolding. Masculine and feminine contained in all. see life, the beauty of life in all. . . . missing it. . . . fearful . .. . sometimes this is so. . . this too passes, and one by one the faces of the knowing and unknowing will pass before you in your life .. . . this is love