amazed by this life!! music, coaching, creativity, lateral thinking, transformation; my passion and joy

Sunday, November 09, 2008

50th Celebration day - timetable

People have been asking for more details of what’s planned for the day, timings etc

So here’s what’s planned

Morning Journey of Moving Sound a shamanic ritual celebration, using sound (voice and instruments) and movement enquiry

(separate details for those booked on that)

Afternoon and Evening

Setting up and Decorating of the Space at 1:30 PM

Sharing Our Gifts : 2:00-5:30 PM. sharing circle, creative sharing, leaflet display, market place . . . . . .
(some people may join at 3:30pm conversation and teatime)

continuing on with the sharing)

Shared Feast at 6 PM.

Stories of Christoffer’s Life at 7 PM

Evening (open to everyone, invite your friends )

Dancing and live music and DJ at 8:45 PM until 11:15 when we’ll do Un-decorating the Space(!?!) until 11:45 PM when we need to close the doors.