amazed by this life!! music, coaching, creativity, lateral thinking, transformation; my passion and joy

Sunday, November 09, 2008

50th Celebration day - timetable

People have been asking for more details of what’s planned for the day, timings etc

So here’s what’s planned

Morning Journey of Moving Sound a shamanic ritual celebration, using sound (voice and instruments) and movement enquiry

(separate details for those booked on that)

Afternoon and Evening

Setting up and Decorating of the Space at 1:30 PM

Sharing Our Gifts : 2:00-5:30 PM. sharing circle, creative sharing, leaflet display, market place . . . . . .
(some people may join at 3:30pm conversation and teatime)

continuing on with the sharing)

Shared Feast at 6 PM.

Stories of Christoffer’s Life at 7 PM

Evening (open to everyone, invite your friends )

Dancing and live music and DJ at 8:45 PM until 11:15 when we’ll do Un-decorating the Space(!?!) until 11:45 PM when we need to close the doors.

Sunday, November 02, 2008

sharing our gifts, a celebration for my 50th

So here it is something to celebrate my 50th birthday. The theme for the day is Sharing Our Gifts. And, as well is celebrating and sharing my gifts, my invitation to you is to come in the spirit of and be open to the possibility of sharing what it is that lights up your spirit, what you love to do. I know so many people with so many amazing things they love, and I love to give the opportunity for us to know celebrate and share these amongst each other.

Yes, this celebration is also about and around my 50th birthday. And, as I thought about the various things that I might want to do, ranging from going away on a retreat to this full day celebration this is what landed but I'd like to do (thanks Robert the checking that I wasn't just ducking out of that this is about my 50th birthday! -- initially it was an edge because, my first memory of a birthday party for me is that I hid under the table and the whole time! (So the retreat seemed very attractive. . . .!! It is something I love doing and I'll probably do that later in the year).

So, to support me staying visible on the day, there is going to be ‘stories of my life’. As I write this, exactly what that's going to be I don't know yet…. it will be some kind of ’conversation’ - dialogue, questions. . . speaking… maybe movement … there are of course many ‘ stories of my history’ that I could tell, and it may be that none of those get told. . .! Maybe there's another kind of story that wants to get shared - we'll find out what happens with who's there and what’s in the room.

So, the day:

It will be in five main sections:

Morning: a Moving Sound Journey - a shamanic journey ritual with movement , sound (voice and instruments) ; there will be limited places on this and is part of sharing this gift of mine more widely will be videoed - (I'd LOVE your support in it, let me know if you’d like to do this and I'll put your name on the list and keep you place

(2:00) Sharing Our Gifts- a mix of things including sharing circle, creative offerings, display table leaflets etc, mini market, tea and chatting. . . . .

(6:00) Shared feast (bring feasting food to share)

(7:00) Stories about My Life an unknown place, discovering what wants to be told.

(8:45 -11.45 ) Dance! (live music and dj mr.moore) Invite your friends to this

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Moving Sound website - front page copy - DRAFT

Moving Sound

Bringing Sound, Movement and Momentum Alive

In a world where profound changes are taking place and in a way that affects our every day lives, Moving Sound offers a rare opportunity for individuals, groups and organisations to move out of their heads and into their hearts – using a unique blend of sound, music and movement.

  • Moving Sound specialises in creating an open space where resonance, understanding and stillness can be found.

  • Through individually designed sessions, workshops and performances; that facilitate enquiries, quests, and celebrations - participants have the opportunity to work with the challenges and opportunities that they find in their personal and professional lives.

  • If you are looking for a powerful experience or a life changing moment where perspectives and solutions reside, then Moving Sound is definitely for you.

  • We take it one step further by providing you with the resources that allow you, your group/team or your organisation to create your own sound and movement experience.

For more detailed information on what Moving Sound offers, please click the links on the menu bar, and feel free to contact me at anytime.