It's the beginning of the year and I'm thinking of goals and etc; this came to me in my morning writing:
Follow initial intuition. If no .NO, if yes YES . . . radicalness. stay with the process of this, in your life. release the energy of the unmoving, stuck, blocked . . . saying no to that that does not bring joy. opening to & being in Joy with the life you have, with the people, things & family which you are guided to have & be with. ~ Let go of the rest and open into love, into the depths of heartful presence. The joy of it, the pain of it, the all of it.
Resting in love, resting in life, held by angels, by the divine ones - call their names call on them, communicate with this your life : all dimensions & all realities seeing this - life - in all your life. When the clamping of the mind & tightening of the body arise - be with it, welcome this, your house, your experience, your experiment in Life . and . always remember to return again & again to : life .
Trust life deeply enough that you enter in the experience of your life - Fully - . and that, in the seemingly tough decisions & places of this life that challenge to the very core your most cherished beliefs and assumptions about how the way it is.
Trust that Life holds you and you can know and follow guidance & the inner promptings. Trust that when you ask and wait & listen & look & feel you will Know what there is to Know & DO - knowing from the emptiness & 'unknown' waiting, to the full instant Knowing. And Doing from clear, action that flows now, or at a Known point in time, or 'not doing' which is a resting & waiting.
All this brings a joyful, heartful, heart opening blessed wonder.
I pray for support & wisdom to stay with, move thru or release any pain which arise to my consciousness, to my body felt experience. I pray for a rightness of that process.
Sitting on nothing . an impulse arises .
I remember ohhhh I remember ~ how long & how often must I sit in such a way?
until sitting & knowing & unknowing doing & not doing are all one.