Such a
Deep Peace
Deep Deep
Drinking this in moment
to moment
Simply Resting Here
Opening the Window
to Receive
This Blessing
opening receiving filling
In this
Such a
Deep Peace
Deep Deep
From here, and in this,
there is none other than this
This duty is so full
unconstrained simply
arising from itself
in this Divine Moment
full filled aliveness
This is what it is
to pay attention to this
The alive wonder and
order of the universe
and the Living & Dying
passing through
goalless empty yet Full
Nothing matters, yet in this
everything is cared for
and Loved with
a deep compassion more
And so, how to make sense
of this seeing and not seeing
This being awake & sleeping
and how to be with
the reality of this changing
moment to moment
slow freedom and
force fear fullness?
There are steps to
be taken, and dishes to
wash and relationships
and relating to be tended
And the Autumn comes
sniffing just around the corner
and the Living & Dying
great waves of
energy and light
coming into being
and dissolving
Death & Birth & all inbetween
Such a
Deep Peace
Deep Deep