amazed by this life!! music, coaching, creativity, lateral thinking, transformation; my passion and joy

Monday, January 30, 2012

Peace Exists

In the turmoil and beauty of
this life, rest in the
centre point of
the unnameable presence
of being. Feeling the
wave of life moving
through  undulating  breath
of    expansion  and
Freedom     in which
the physical shapes forms
and colours of material
reality   are    more
tangible   and vibrant

And, yet, "seeing"
further   into, with, through
this they  are   simply
not  there.

It is, only the
Shoulds, shouldn't's, have to,
must not, cannot, will be,
don't want,   want  ...
as they   arise     tightening
of non-acceptance  and
force of "strong will",   B l o c k s
and   holds    tight ..

Tight or not tight
flowing.   freely   with  in
conscious   knowing of,
experience of , space the
potent  wave,   breath of
Life      or     caught
in motion  or pre-emotional
"hooking"  ,  still ALL  IS
contained  in , and
suffused with ,  "the bright"

     Always     there
            Pay attention

With love to the one
heart   beat   ,  even in
and  as   pain    calls
in Full forced   Focus,
the Divine Dance always  IS