In a job, sometimes there are things that disabled people are not able to do, or not able to do so easily as non-disabled people.
To find out more about Access to Work, read below, or you can book a Mini Coaching Session ( emil me and I'll let you know how this works): If you are an artist or creative practitioner living or working in the SW of England, you my be able to get this Coaching Session for free)
The Access to Work scheme was devised to change this inequality. It can provide support in a variety of ways that, when they are in place, means that a disabled person can do the work (or do it without struggling or doing extra to get things done)
The Access to Work scheme is a Government run programme to provide this support for disabled people who are in a job, self-employed (or unemployed and about to start a job, or a work trial). As you can imagine there are very specific criteria to help people through this. The best way to find out more is to contact your local Access to Work advisor. (you can find links to the Regional area offices, from there you do the step by step).