been looking at a lot of the climate change Copenhagen thing today, ( and VERY touched by much of that... -- went on the Wave March in London last week, adn over 15M signing the Avaaz pledge .. And, with all that... still in a kind of 'altered' state from the accident... motivation not so high (motivation to continue as I have been.. as I was... January looking fuller and fuller, and accounts to do, and my Job at the Charity ending, in March, or soon after.
done a couple of Biosynthesis therapy sessions in the last couple of weeks. fundamental patterning and resourcing taking place ... learning how to breath .. . catching a habit of not breathing... and discovering how it is to push against something whilst breathing in... or rather breath in whilst pushing against something and to breath, continue to breath.. and.. as there is much 'in the field' and 'coming towards me' it is really interesting to feel how it is so different to breathe in amongst this... rather than the stopping, and spinning in my head thinking. a filling and meeting.... - interesting to practice that in the 5rhythms dance last night. feeling it deeper. feeling all life, and myself .. wow