On Saturday 19th January, there will be another beautiful evening of mediation to live music. They are organised by Surabhi, from the band 'One Hand Clapping', and are a lovely heartful space, and it's a really pleasure to play with her..
These 'Osho Satsang's' happen about once a month in Ashburton at the lovely 'Space Upstairs'. Starting at 6:45pm ( arrive a bit before because once we've started we can't let you in)
The evening is a mix of silent sitting meditation, listening to live music, (often improvised) some short audio recordings of Osho speaking.
If you'd like to stay for Supper, bring some food to share. ( It's usually quite a feast and lovely company - I'd recommend it!!)
Any questions, or if you need directions call Surabhi on 01364 654732