This Moving Sound Gathering was part of the 'Sunday Sharings' that are being offered by the Bowden House Community to inspire and nourish members of the community and local people who like to join
Sound and creativity are very important to the Bowden community and very much at the heart of their vision. I am inspired by their understanding of what I do, and am greatful for them helping me understand more fully my creative healing work.
I've been involved several times with leading something for Bowden. We did a Sound Calling in the autumn and several soundings for open days, then this summer a couple of 'unofficial' Gatherings.
This Moving Sound Gathering was another magical sonic journey. The focus they'd wanted for the community was 'Expressing Spirituality'. When we reach that deeply connected space in a Moving Sound session, then spirit is very strongly present; and expressed by simply being in that. There were some particularly rich sound images in the opening circle and we dropped very deeply into a heartful connection which took us quickly into a deep journeying space; the sounds we made filling and blessing each other in and beyond the space.
It seemed like time had stopped and the rich presence of acceptance and bigness was almost tangible as we journeyed through several waves of sound, and sound and movement, interactions. One woman who'd traveled quite a way to take part, was amazed at how different this kind of creative space is. Shea siad, "For the first time ever I've been able to play without the mind chattering away". I was inspired again at how the practice and form of Moving Sound supports people to reach such a deeply healing intimate space.
The silence and stillness the quality in the atmosphere at the end of the evening said a lot ... deeply nourishing and inspiring. During the circle at the end, it was humbling to hear the depth of people's experience; people really grateful and appreciative for this opportunity.
It's a vision I've had for a while to do some regular Moving Sound Gatherings . The ones in Exeter look like they'll start soon and, although their are currently no other Gatherings planned in Totnes, after the short discussion we had the end of the final circle, people are excited at the idea of having regular Moving Sound Gatherings in Totnes.