It's snowing this morning, it's *such* an amazing thing ...
I always SO enjoy watching snow falling, I feel great excitement - strange that because I also know that many people and animals have such a hard time with such cold. Does this reflect on the bigger pattern of how I relate to suffering ... can I allow myself to feel such joy when the thing I feel such joy about causes pain? It's part of the condition of life and, allowing this to be as it is .... I feel a relief .. tears to enjoy such simple enjoyment ... and tears for the pain, the suffering in the world. It burns through me ... yet again I feel myself vulnerable and yet more open.
From here I can go more gently into the day resting back fuller into my self. I have a sense that there is a key here, in the mechanism of this place of tension and release into expansion ... a state of healing and of grace. Again and again it takes me relearning this, having the courage to step into and through this gateway which, so often my mind and my fears block me. I send a gentle prayer into the day to be able to walk more fully from this place and to understand and hold my turnings away from this more compassionately maybe I'll be able to also hold others more compassionately.