This Breathing
and Breathing
out of
This Life
as I rise and fall in
the conciousness of my experience
to benefit all beings, my prayer
and hew and cry
simply dancing in the awakening
of Life as it emerges
one breath after another
to this place of understanding
of peace of life, of Pain of
psychological indifference and
non compliance and untruth
in all this . . still . . . Life
Knowing this, being this as
the conciousness of the
aliveness of existence
dances through the shadows
of our 'understanding'; this is
the reverse of Life as
it opens to be in the Day to Day ordinary
Hold precious the gifts of
the form of this Life
and rest, ever more
concious into the formlessness
in which you cannot rest
and yet is always
This is and brings
profound, Peace beyond which
and out of which is
nothing; alive nothing