I've been clearing out some old boxes of papers and found this quote:
" A person who has a vision is not able to use the power of it until after they have performed the vision for the people to see"
Black Elk
How SO very right he is - I really experienced that last week when did an Opening Ceremony(tm) at the Be the Change conference. www.bethechange.org.uk The energy and power of stepping up and doing that was, IS awesome! What I did felt very powerful, and exciting-scary . . . ALIVE!
It was nearly 2 years since the vision of doing this kind of thing arrived. It was during a weekend Personal Journey I was running with a small group here in my Studio Barn, I start to understand what he is talking about. I'd Playing the drum to open the conference, then the Balinese priest bell in a walking mediation to call people back after the breaks and and it.
(Many thanks to Gabriella http://www.claravia.com/ Ursula http://www.create-space.co.uk Kat http://www.authenticpr.co.uk Sue http://www.relaxingthemind.com and Hazel-Anne http://www.lifesparkle.co.uk/ for being part of this particular part of the birthing process!)
Currently if feels like my life is being radically reshaped, and what I *thought* were the goals and directions are not quite so sure!?! Moment by moment, day by day, I sense this reshaping and all is not what I thought . . I sense this being true for me, but but not only me .. It also seems it is so for many other people and this planet .. . . probably larger too . . . . glimpses of the inklings of the great transformation that is to come are now being felt ... a *very* powerful shift is currently taking place.
PS as I was writing this my sister Rebecca decided to take her life http://christofferdegraal.blogspot.com/2005/05/rebecca-took-her-life.html